Volunteer for the open days of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Nobeyama Radio Observatory
I served for the open days of NAOJ since 2016. The NAOJ Mitaka open day is held in the Mitaka campus of NAOJ in October every year and usually attracts 3,000 to 4,000 visitors. I helped the preparation of exhibitions, and joined in an interesting 'radio observation' experiment with visitors, in which we used a pot lid to collect satellite signals and watched TV programs (see the photo on the right).
The Nobeyama open day is also an amazing event which happens at the site of the 45m telescope in the village of Minamimaki in Nagano. I served for it in Septemeber, 2018 and helped kids to make radio images in the "radio coloring" booth.
Host of a visiting student at NAOJ
In August-October 2017, I served as the host of a visiting PhD student, Mengyuan Xiao, from Nanjing Univerisity, with the help of Prof. Daisuke Iono (NAOJ) and Dr. Tao Wang (University of Tokyo). During Mengyuan's stay at NAOJ, I showed her basics of interferometry (she majored in traditional Chinese medicine in her undergradute course and specialized in optical observations before coming to NAOJ, but she learnt very fast). Then we worked together to calibrate and image ALMA data of a high-redshift protocluster. A publication is in preparation.
Administrator and writer of Astroleaks
Astroleaks is a website for professional discussion and expirence-sharing, maintained by a few graduate students from universities and observatories in China as well as in the US and Europe. We started it in 2011 and hope to use it as a platform for discussing papers and sharing research experience, or a hybrid of the well-known astrobites and astrobetter. I have contributed 12 articles, with topics covering e.g. solar physics, magnetic field, and programming. In 2014 I became one of the administrators. As an administrator: January 2014 - present As a writer: May 2011 - present
Mentor of summer interns at the CfA
I worked with interns at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the last three summers. The interns were students from colleges and high schools and spent the summer at the CfA to conduct short-term research projects. I helped them get started with data reduction or programming, and dicussed with them frequently on their work. I enjoyed working with the talented pre-/proto-astronomers from whom I learnt a lot too.
- 2015 summer: with Juliana Garcia-Mejia (Harvard undergraduate), "SMA Observations of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone", and Sophie Welsh (Harvard undergraduate), "Radio Recombination Line Masers in Star Forming Regions".
- 2014 summer: with Juliana Garcia-Mejia (Harvard undergraduate), "SMA Observations of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone", and William Tan (Needham High School), "CSO Multi-Line Mapping of Massive Molecular Clouds in the CMZ".
- 2013 summer: with Zoey Bergstrom (Harvard undergraduate), "Gas Temperatures in Infrared Dark Clouds Using GBT NH3 Observations".
Teaching asistant for the undergraduate course 'Observational Astronomy' at Nanjing University
Lecturer: Dr. Junzhi Wang September 2011 - January 2012
Associate editor of College Natural Sciences
College Natural Sciences is a journal organized, written, and edited by undergraduate students from universities in China. It publishes undergraduate students' reseach works in various fields from astronomy to biology, providing an opportunity for them to present their rearch to a broad audience. Associate editor of the first two issues, in charge of reviewing and editting astronomy/astrophysics related submissions, September 2009 - February 2010

Two stargazers (at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History).